lj 2 I o The DoEtrineofSellfe%deniall. Blefed is the man that indureth temptation for when bee is tryed he 'hall receive the Crowne of life. It is for your advantage, when as you lofe an eflate, or a friend , or Puffer any thing for G o v ; yee (hall get by it. Ifyee can fay with Peter, Lord, we have fortkenall and followed thee; Mark; i o. 28. yee (hall have an huadered fold that is, yee 1h311 have G o D. But is it not belt to haveother thingswith. GoD ?. Ianfwere,that God isbeft; truft him, leave the keepingofother things to him ifyee are to lofe a friend to keepe a good Confcience, commit it to Gods keeping ;. fo ifyee are to lofe an,efate. Beldes, if yee have not thefe things from his favour , what is it to you ? Yee may have them by his Providence, and not out of his favour, andthen they will bee a fnare untoyou, yee will let your mimicstoo muchon them, and they will leadeyou tohell; orelfe theywill bee acroffe unto you : What comfort canyouhave inthem, if Godbee ab... lent ? If Godbid fuck a thingcomfort us, wee havecomfort : butifhe bids it not tocomfort us, though wee have it, yet we want com- fort;Thercfore reckon thefe thingsbut di bo¡fe anddung , as P AV î. did, Phil.3. 8. adde not to them , but toGods favour; forfake them if they come in Competitionwith him, and his !awes. Third-