Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDalrifle ofSelfideniaL 2 II Thirdly, learne to know C H R I S T aright, that will makeyou deny your felves. Chrift is worthyall love ; this knowledge of Chrift will makeyoudenyyour felves, not of need - pry, but out of a love to him. A friend that adventures his lifefor us, isworthyofall wee candoc : Is not C H R r s r then worthyof all you candoe and more ? a Corinth. z.1 3. Pan¡ reafons thus with theCorinthians; is Chriftd1- vided e Was PeedCrraeified forlou ? Or, were yon Baptized in the name of Paul:' If Chrift doth all forus, wee muff deny our felves for him. Lookeon all that he bathdone for you, and what priviledges youhave byhim; learn to belceve, it will make you to deny your felves. Paul went through many things, be- cst ee be trufled in the livingGod, I Tins. 4. ro. Moles cared net for the wrath or favenr of Pharaoh, becaufe beebeleeved,Ifebrews, r r. Be- leave and know, that there is a realitie in the thingswee have by Chriff : let them not bee as things onely in the fancy, but bees e- ¿ledwith them. We rcjoyce in an effete which we pofieife,and inhonours we injoy; becaufe wee have them, fly Chrift wee are Kings, andPriefs, andMires ofall, Revel. r.5,6. If you beleeve this, thenFaith begets Love in us, which makes us willing to part with all. Philip. s, ar -Paul cocnpláines , That ever man flekes hlt omne , and net the things ofrefìe ebrifi that was for want of love 3