2,1 a !e ïoE`trine ofSelfe- deniall. of love : s Corinth. i 3. 5. Love feekes not his owne; you may' fee this hPaul, AJI.7.).24. I count not (faith hee) ,iy=life deare unto my elfe, Jo that Imay finifirmy courfe srith Joys and the Miniflry whichIhave receivedofthe Lord !Os Learne to beleeve in Chria, love him, then you will deny your felvcs for him Whatever -Ì - men thought of Paul, though hee was taken to bea Mad man,A51. a6. sq.. yet the love ofdrill did c`on, jlraine him, 2 Corinth,5.1q.. So as wee love Chriíi,, it is no matter what wee fug. fer. Fourthly, thelit meanes tohelpeus tode. ny our felves, is the manner howwee íbauld denyour felves ; Bee peremptory in denying the regwe isof the Flea, barre up the domes, give the flefh no audience; nothing is better than aperemptorywill, if it beewell fet; no- thing.worfe, ifit bee ill. When leak would ha pfwaded David to flay. Abner, David; gives him a peremptory deniall ; faying, what have Itodoe withyou,,yee f unsofServia ? So Chriílgave Peur a peremptory denial!, when flee would diffwade him from his Paf. Math.16.Z3. Pion ; hee faith to him, Get thee, behinds mec s ban. The fleih is of youroldacquaintance, that bath bin borne fand. bredwith you, and therefore is ready todeceive you:'. wherefore looketo it. t.4F, .ar. Paul faith, to thew that woulddiß radebian from.gang vp to.ierufslem,n iphat doe yee meelting and breaking rn', heart Their