Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The,DocrineofSelfe,deniall. their expoftulation with him weakncd the (i- newes of his intention, and faftened his pur- I pofe. Bring thefe rneancs to particulars, ha. vingoccafon,let them not remain in general :' You that heave, Inc navr,:.examineyour (elves; none that heare nae this daybut hadneedczar° ticularÌy to deny hitnfelfe : fotne humours laee lath that leemtuíl deny; give not over till thou hall dOfe,it. This will ICOwre cur the (tainesout ofyour Soules,labour.therefore f@r to doe it: Put cafe,that satisfying finch a de fire is plcafant, yet denying olit will bring you more pleafure and profit ; thereare none that gaine by tinning,: and none lofe by fer°ving God: Youaregainers whileyou lofe your cre- ditfor God,or your riches; he will either give you more or clfeKee will give youmore coin- ,fort in thelittle vvhicltyou have. Are ou re (trained God will give you longer a and lar. ger liberty from the yoake of Sinne : foie you a u naentaay delight e God will give you a flronger delight. A kill being removed3there isä biernifh wiped away, every luft is a (pit. on the foule; If yee fugfer á lull to- continue, that yec arc irtdulg nt to,it.defiles you,it makes you indigent Luis caufe want. Beeing brought under the power ofa lufl, yee areun- dera Tyrant. Againe, what ever your hear=ts. are det.on, and you will not deny your (elves in it ; ifyeebelong to God yee (hall beep cr©f fed in it : your ({rang affections will bee your firola_ 2T3