. z 4 theDonrine o fSelfe_deniall, ftrong of lilions. David was croffed in his 4b- felon ; dbfolon } in his Kingdome ; Amnon in his Tamar. Againe , if you will fatisfie your lufts, there is no end of it , yce mutt be alwaies adding fuell to them , which in Icreafeth the fire. Confider, that in this, our heart is deceitful) : wee being minded to con- i tinue in things , though it bee but for a time, wee will not cafily bebrought to judge aright f of them afterwards, wee judge not then with- out a bribe : and our judgements being bri bed, they are then eafily - corrupted. Take heed therefore ofCuftome : this is hard tobe refilled : the flefhwill expea the fame enter- tainment from us at the laft, as it had the fe cond or third time. Cuftome dothprejudice us much ; it intends the original) Corruption ; it leads us captive with violence : being ac- cuftomedto any tuft, know that it is hard to renounce it , bccaufe cufloime addes unto its ftrength: When we have judged alreadyofa thing, weare loath to judge againe. Butnow my Brethren, confider, ifyet erred once, that will not excufe the fecond errour : Cuflome is, but Vet error's, the antiquityoferrour; Gods Spirit muff bee the rule of our lives,: Cuftome is an ingagement to us , to continue in thofe things wherein wee fhould deny our felves : So the opinionofmen, is ahinderance to Selfe- deniall ; having ufed Each a courfe we will not alter it ; ifwe doe ,men wonder at it;