2.1 6 The 17oarineofSelfe=dcniall. Secondly, Godwill have mentried; and that 2 they cannot bee without Croffes : Therefore i Corinth. i 1.19. ,merefees snr.4#needs eo,.e,that Chafe s'ha arefaithful may be tried; that the good maybe di(linguifhed from the counterfeit. Af- i.iaions and croffes axe the be touchftones ; therefore they are called tryals,becaufe they try andprove men. Thirdly,this muft needs be fo, from the na tute of thinges .themfelves. Men cannot run on in obedience to Chrif#without oppofiti- on. A faithfull Chriflian man mull reprove others as ¡ob» BaptiJ did , and then it may colt Wm his life. It may coil us our lives and lofte offavour, (as it did.Morees, Nebr. i i. Who endured Pharaohs wrath ,) for flan- ding out in good caufes. In many actions weemay and thall be cenfured; for wee mutt be jufi to men, and upright to GOD, and not bebyaffed a wrong way; and for this we may bee oppofed. The Sabboths muft bee kept though force loffes may come by it ; ma ny other aetions muff be done wee muff fpealcefor Chrift, as PAN/ and Daniel did,which coil them Imprifonment, and fo it may doe us Fourtbly, Tooke on the world , andthere is 4 a neceffity that wee thould have croffes, ifwee will follow Chrifi. For; lohn 15. 19. Tie world loves her .wnt, andhates them who are CbrijJs ; they are refitted , and cannot relifi againe,