Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoE-trine ofSell fe3deniall. 2 17 againe. The world puts croffes upon the Saints, and as if they were not forward inough of chemfelves, the Divell helpes them forwards Hee lets their tongues on worke, lames, 3. 6. Their tongues are jet anfire ofHell; bee Pets their hands on worke, Revel. 2, io. The Dável"[ball calf loam ofyou into Prfan; that is men by the Divels inftigation (hall doe it. Fifcly, it muff needs be fo, in regard of mens conditions and themfelves; they mutt have crotfes to prevent finne : Chrift thegood Shep- heard lets Dogs on his íheepe fometitnes to barke at them, and if that will not ferve the turne,to bite them too:Parrly,for finnes prefent which theycontraa. And partly to prevent fu. ture firms. Profperity makes them ruft fome- times;therefore God lets feuilions torub them over and makes them bright , though they make thetnfelvesblade. God fends affliaions on the good to make them better ; Thrething makes the corne though it were good before, tobe muchbetter : thefire though the gold be good before, yet it makes it muchpurer: health though it be good,yet ezercife makes it bet- ter. Now as thewayes ofGod are full ofcroffes,fo they have, much difficulty in there; and that for there reafons. Firt}, becaúfe ofSelfe-d`nyall : This felfe- deniall muff needs bee , and it is hard and P diñi- r