Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

T'he DoEfrine ofSele-deniall. Fifrly, compare it with other things, and 5 you will fiade it difficult ; to get an art or li- beral! fcience, what paincs and difficulty mull be ufed ? Now to have Gods .Image renew- ed in us, mull needs be harder : for to this we have acontrariety and reluc`ancy, to the other a natural! piopenfnes : therefore it muff bedif- ficult. Lafily, fooke to the variety and change wee 6 mull run thorow: Phil.4.2 t.Wee agWant acrd abound, bearegoo report , and bad report ; It is hard to beare profperity , as hard as it is to drinke much wine and not be giddy : It is hard co beare adverfityand not to itoope; hard to beare fcorches without thrinking ; fornecan beare want, butaboundance makes them leave God : many canbearegood report, and can- not away with badreport: Comecandoe both, but yet they will pot loofe theirwealth : fon,e can indure that, but not imprifonment t to goe through tlaicke and thin is hard anddirfi. cult. But now youmay ask mee two quethons. If this bee fo, how comes Chrifi to tell men ; Matthew 11.3o. That hit yoake is eafie andhir 6. rthenlight`:' how is that true, Prover.3.17. Thatall thewaifs ofrrifderne are u+aies ofpleafore? Why promife yep: fo much joy and pace in Religion, ifthere be fomany croffes following it? To