z2o The (BrineofSee?deniall. "Info,. x Prav.tg Ig, Ob,jef, To this I anfwere s Fir[t, that the wages of Godare pleafant to any man that is right, to one that is renewed. r carinth. 2.6. Weepreacì wifedome to them that are perfete; that is , to them that are upright. So the wayes of God are pleafant to thofe that are upright , and able to judge of them : yet they are not fo to others. IfI fay that good meareand drinke are pleafant, it is true, and you will all agree to it : yet it is not fo to.a Sicke man : So the light is verycomfortable, yet to fore eyes.it is burthenfome : So Gods wayes are pleafant, yet,tomen having fore Eyes, ficke Conicien- ces, and diffempered affections, they are dif ficult,. Secondly, Godswayes arepleafant in them Ielves, whereas other wayes arebitter. Gods wayes bring pleafure and content, they are pleafant in themfelves; therefore they are al wayesfo :,_ butthings that are pleafant by oc. cation, are not alwayes fo : As the pleafureof Sinne,is but for aleafon,, Hebr. i 1.2Sand byoc cation offatisfyingthe lull; but agood Couli. eneeisacantiremallfrail.; at all times Godswaies area burthenand yoke to the fl,-fh, but to the Spirit they areeafie. But youwill objeâ, If the wayes-of God are difficult and full ofcronies , it will difcou- ragemen tobe religious;. how fhall wee runne the wayes of Gods Commandements with cheerefulnes, Peeing they are fo full of croffes? I