Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Doarine ofSel fe=deniall. Ianfwer, that though the wayes of God are in themfelves difficult , yet they are eafie to thofe that come after Chrifl,and that in thefc re- gards. Piro; every one that comes toChrift bathan. other fpirit and heart givenhim, that makes him with Paul, Rema,7.22. 7edelt:ght in the Lamof God concernirsg the inwardm n. I will fay ofthis as Chrift anfwercdPeter, when as he asked him, whoMould be raved ifrich menwerenot this s impo thle;(faith Chrifl) withmen, hat it if pof able with God; Math. 19.2 6. That is, fuch a man cannot change his owne beart,but Godcan ,and then the wayes ofGodwill bee pleafant : God can giveyou another nature, and they will bee Secondly, though they bee difficult in the croífe,yet takealtogether,then there is pleafure: take therefore the reward and gaine with the labour. The merchant indureth much, yet the hope of gaine fweetens all : a covetous man in- dures much labour , hath a hard lodging, farts much, butyet the gaine contervailes all. Finis dat Amabilitatem mtigs, The end fweetens the tneanes: thehope ofharveamakes the husband. mans labour pleafant. So it is with Chrift ; he ispleàfant ifyou put all together ; if you looke to the joy and reward as well as to the cro ffe : Tooke on them as on weights in the ballance : if the weights beavail , they flirre not ; but ;put more weight into one fcale, then the cat her R `3 though r