Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The DoEtrineof f'Seife-cleniali: 2,23 but,uflowers our eyes being opened to feethat thefe things are fo, as an eafie thing to dif- efteeme them ; toon 3tl,at ishumbled this is eà. fe; he that hath felt theburthenof finne to bee heavy, will find Chrifisyoake tobee light; the Divels yoake isahard and heavy yoake, he that bath felt the bitternefíe of finne will chide Gods wayes tobe pleafant. Fiftly,confider to whomwe doe allthat wee doe : as Davidfayd to Nicol. 2 Sam. 6.21. Wee doe it totheLord :thismakes all eafie : this made all eafieto Paul, LANs 21. Whenat' Agobua told him, that he (houldbe boundat lerufalem, he tels them, thathe is toot finely ready tobe &Nand but liken f to dye at lerufalem, for the Name ofthe LordZeta,.. A fouldier doth muchmore, when as hefeethhis Generali looking upon him; a good fervant wil worke out of his heart, when as his mailers eye is upon him, efpecially if his wafter hath a goon eye : confider then that wedoe All for Chrt , and this will fweeten ail. Ifthis be fo that thewayes of God are full of croffes and difiîculty, then learne from hence,toaccount offo muchbeforehand, and prepare for it, before ye enter into thofewaies of God: takeheed ofBarsebs fault,ierem,45.5. Lookenot forgreat mattersforyourfeelves a in the worddyeplialahave affliélion ; him 16. 33. butin chriltyefiallhave peace ; looke therefore for all in heaven. Re member ye mutt not. take P 4 Chrifl .