224. The DbarineofSelfiscleniall. Chrift ()rely as a Saviour, but you mua take him as a Lod, as ahusband; you mua havea wedding garment,a conjugall affedion ancl be divorced. from ail other things, that fo you may takehim thus: yee mutt take him as your husoand, for better, for worfe, with idles, and crates your will calla be fnbjed-tohim Mall things. if to be Chrias Servant were onely to give him a cap and a knee,he would have many that would ferve him ;butyou mua obeyhim, Jimfervantsyomare towhomyeeobey, Rom. 6;16. There arc fervants which you call Retainers; which doe their-owne worke on the weeke dayes, peradventure on the Sabbath they come to their Mailer and ferve him; thus molt are ChriftsServants ; theywill ferve him on the Sabboth perchance, but at no timeelfe ; but as ou theSabboth , foat all times elfe youmua deny, your felves. Inother marriages errorper- foae cloth nullifie the marriage; fo doth it when wee take Chria : it is an error inour judgements, not to knowwhat he is; and that is the reafon why wee fo quickly fall away fromhim: wherefoteevery one that lookes for any interell inChrift, muff confider with him- Celle before hand, andcall his eyes on all his comforts , on that which is pleafant to him, and refolyc to part with it for him ; yea, bee mull lookeon bitter things , on the, fUffe- rings of others, andmake account ofdifgraces andperfecutions ifhee will follow ebria : If better,