TheDoRrine ofSelfesdexiall. 225 better come, doe you rep;rtare in lucrum, count it over-plus.. ccefar, when as bee was geeing I to fight, wouldufually tell his Souldiers, that the enemies wereas many moreas they were, I that fo hemight make them more refolute and audacious Ifyoumean to follow Chrift, looke for a rainy day. It ìny bee it is a faire morning,, but yet we know not what the eve- ning will be:Nefcis qui4firm' ve/ er vedat.Shall a man goe to fea, and not looke for itormes ?, Shall a Sóuldier goe into the warren, and not Tooke for enemies ? Forecaft this therefore, left going with a000..yc u are met with 20000.. and overcome , your refolutions. being too weake. Secondly, if the wayes of are- full'"of crofïes anddifficulty, then it is not theway to heaven that moft men goe 1, that common roadof plealure and pithy which molt men treacle in , is not the way : the true way is per. div,,erticula, .a by, anarrow way which few men follow. Ifwe findeour waies fnitofjolli- ty, wee havec ,ufe to fufpeet them; irik. 6.2 t. Weeuntoyou thatlaughno;fry'ee!hallweepehere- after ; ye that arefullhere, /hall hunger hereafter : This loofeneffe in following Chrift is not the way. My brethren, ifyee are going to any City, and yee are told before hand , that in the way to it , there aremany narrowbrid ges, many brakes to goe thorough ; that there aremany vagrants to devoureyou , many fy- rens 2