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22Ú TleDo&rifleofSelfe_deraialï. 2Tim.3 .Iz4 Ohiea. ilnjrnt. tens to allureyou; ifye findno fuch thing, ye may well fufpeet that yee are . out of theway; So ifyefind no fuch oppofition,no fuchcroflès and difficulties, no fuchflreng lu% in the way to heaven, it is a figneyeeare out of theway: Whoever willlivegedly ixChrifd f f auflier perfecution : Pao/tels Titnotbyhere, that hehab knowne hísperfeeutionsandafflic ions; and then he concludes, that whoever inthùprefent time, or in fucceeding generations will liveaholy life, muitf is ferforit: A man mayPuffer anddo much for Chriíl; but Paultelshim, hee mutt goe fur. ther, andfu rperfecution, for Chrifts fakeand theGofpel. But youwill'objeCt,why thould any man fuf fer for the Gofpel , feeing that the Gofpell brings glad tidings of peace? I anfwere, that there are two parts of the Gofpell : thefiat is,that ifyee take Chrift, ye (hall be faved: the fecond is,that ifye take him not, yeare damned: itis not the firfl part, the offering of Cbrill, but the fubfequent conditi- on, that dothbreed perfecution. Math. 21. 33. 1 hens the naifter'ofthe ,vineyardfentbid fir- wants to thebsabandmenn , allh/efeervarrts werea- 6ufed, 6ecaufe theycalledfor f ufte,which thebus - bandmeowereunwilling to give. Whenholy men call for fruite and amendment oflife,this flits up men againfl theinjfin the way ye goe, ye findenot thefe croffes, this oppofìtion, it is the broad way,not the way that leadethto life. Thirdly