TheDeffrinr"ofSelfe-deniall. 227 Thirdly, if the wayes of God are full of Wei. croffes, then bee net difcouraged from doing good aâions for the crones that follow them; that is a ncceffaryconcomitant, and cannot be fevered. Many would be willing to doe much, but it may coil them theireflates : then they favour themfelves, andwill ileepe in . a whole: skin:. But ifa cafe comes, that 'yee muff nand- agaiñfl Popery, and for again(iinditea courfes, hand to it though perfecution and im- prifonment come; turne neither to the right hand, nor to the left hand : that is thereare many flopsand lets in the way which God bath chalkedout unto us; yet though there be Ly- ons in it,ye mutt not fîepout ofit; ye mull go On, yee rnuf grapple. with the croffe and not goe outoftheway : ifyee balke thole croffes or ifyee fit fill and, do nothing, yee provoke God < againa you , as much as for your evil l 'deeds. Rev.2.19 .l knowthy workes andft rings, (faith Chrifl.) Ci ria takes notice; ifyee fuf- fer for hive, fo he doh ifye decline the croffe: Cowardiineffe may lofe your foules, as well as tebellion your bodies. Ifyee have good cards, yet ifyou play them ill you loofa, ; fo when you havea prize in your: hands and not uîe it; you loofeby it fo when as you have opportunity todoe good, anddoeshot fand out, God willcall youto anaccount for it : yee fhall receive judgement for finfifll filence, as well as for corrupt (peach. lodges 5. 2 3. Merin was