Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2 a 8 The1'?4itl'ine ofSeeAdpäall. was turfd,becaufe they came not out . to 'Wile the people ofGod, as 1.1 ell 614 the enemies that fought a- garnJtther . Luke.13. 6. ThebarrenTrees that did bearenofruire weretut op,.. dewelloe the briers . fo (hail men that haveplaces, 7 in which others would havedone good. Revel. 2 z .-8. thefeare- full, are rut fief# in the catalogue, of thofe, which(hall have theirjortian in the lake of Brim- fiorre, which yurnes withfire for ever : thofe thatare afraid todoe good (ball have theirpor- tion there. Take heede therefore of miffing opportunities throughfeare or cowardize de- ny your fclves , take upthe crofe and follow Chrift,, whiles you may. Many -,are much to blame, fo that wee may take up leremies complaint againil them. ierem. 9. 3. That there ie no man that bath courage forthe truth : Wee may fay ofmoil men, as of Harts, and Stagges, they have ítren;th and great homes, yet they doe nothingwith them, quiadeefi attimras; be carafe they want courage. Some_good Chri- glans have fire in them, but yet they want blowing. Nowwhat arguments shall I ufe to make men follow the truth , notwithftancling thefe croffes and difficulties ? Wee magnifie va- lor in anyman, and the valor which wee doe fo magnifte,it isbutas thefwellingofa wall,before the breach :`it is nothing to this fortitude to fufferfor Chriót , and a good caufe, being cal- led thereunto., the doing of things without difficulties, is no tryall : excellent things are dif., fïcult