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theDoErine ofSelfe=deniall. -fcult :this obedience which you owe to Chrifl is not fimpie obedience, but paífive obedi- ence,andhath moredifficulty and excellency . Towhatend is the Spiritand regeneration gi- venyou, ifk air you not up to doe more than others canor will doe? Luther was glad ofhis oppofition, that brought advantage tohim : to Paul faith, that his fufferingswill further his reckoning.Souldiers our of vaineglory firive who fha11 be firfi to fcale thewall, and, to en- ter thebreach; that which they doe fora fha- dow, letusdo for true realities : let our of feí`Iions runout in this,Confider, that in Gods caute ifye füffeir not for wet doing,ye lhal fuffer for ill doing; elle there werean inconfequence in that ofPeter, r Pet.3 ,17. 11 is better to/ fir well dot»g,thanforevildoing, If ye fuffer not evill with men for well doing, yce (hall .foffer of God for evill doing, Confider all thofe Martyrs and kVo'ragesof the Lord which have goe before us,who have aged their parts, and are now departed offthe ffage;they might elcaped if they would : John I3aptif?, if hee Would. have beetle filent;iWordecay, if he would have bowed the knee : Thole who.wa,Jdred about infheep skins, and goates skins, Eieb. t t, might have binclad in (-tikes and velvets as well as o- thers, if they would nor, have, flood: for the truth.Mofes might have enjoyed the pleafures ofEgypt,he might have bin accounted the fon of Pharaoh his daughter, but hee would nor. Conti. 229 ik