Z3o TheDoEtrine ofSelfi_deniall> Confider, if onerile you this queftion, Will yee bee asa pibbleora pretious fione ? would yee be worth woo. others ? then refolve to fuffer for the truth : Confider what a perfon ye take uponyou; and that ye mutt donothing unbefeemin yourfelves?then youwill faywith Nehemiah,fhhall f teh a man , Ifdee ? 44dwho is there that beinga manas Iam, willfee to the tear pletoavehrs íite Nehemiah 6. ix. Paul con- fidered himfelfe,and thereforewouldnot yeeld an inch to the falfe Apoftles, Gal. a. 5. Confi- der what God expe'sfrom you® Amudwall may bee made upofany thing, but thewall of a palace muff bee made up with othermateri_, ails : "ifyewill beTemples ofthe holy Ghoft yee mufi have otheractions. Let thofe who are watchmen, both for Church and common- wealth, let others whoare in great place, con., Eider this ; ifyou turne falfe, yee betrayboth your felves and others : refolve thereforeto de- nyyour felves, having filch apetfonand fuck a charge. But fozne will object, I would doe thus and thus, but I can donogood in it. I anfweare, that it is more than yòu know : but however, thou (;halt bee fure to havethy reward if thou doe what thou maift The Phifitian bath his praife, though his patient dies : The Lawyer bath his fee, thoughhis clients caufe mifcarry : God often fends mef- fengers, though they prevaile not, that men might