Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheVottrine ofSelfe-deniall. 23y m ight beare witneffe to the truth. Yea,but the times are bad, and worfe than e- ver they were. To this I anfwere, that theworfer the times are, the better the Saints fhould be : the flares are moft needed in thedarkefl night: Mark,8. 38. Ne that is afhatnedofine, faith Chrift,even in anadulterotraandfinfullgeneration,ofAimwill!be 1 atintmed whenIf t inmy Glory. i Yea,but i acu alone, and therefore cando no thing. But what ifthouart alone ? Eliab was alone for ought he knew; _yet he withflood all Baals prophets, andovercame them. Lather was a- lone, fo that onefaith ofhim; Vnt o homofolrae, totius orbia impetansfufinuit,that oneman with - flood the force of the whole world : And what ifthou art alone 9 yet one cole may kin- dleanother, and that another ; and fò may ft thou. Menare, incendiaries to makeoneano- ther wicked : be thou fo to make others good however, though thou art alone, yet thou (halt takeaway that reproach from a nation, which Godfpeakes of Ezec. 2 2. 30. that he frightfor a man among :hem that (hauld make up the hedge, and¡land in the gap before him, for the land, that be(houtdnot deßroy it, hue hefoundnone ; There will be a man, that is, a man ofauthori y to op pofe the lireame. Fourthly, ifthewaies ofGod are full ofdif- ficulty, then wee fhould learne from hence to pro. Obtea. nfw. Vje.4,