23Z The17a-tt ine ofSefesdenial proportion ourtabour to theworke : wee tell youof this not to deterre you from comming , to Chritl, but toexcite men to take paines an- fwearabk to theworke. Chrifl told his Audi- tors, they mull deny themflees, that they mua takepaines if they will follow him ; and this we tell you in his name: wee would have yee know thewort before hand : many thoufands lofe their foules, becaufe they thinke that lefe will fèrve-the turne, that there needs no filch aricînefle : no fallacy of Sathan deceivesmen more than this. Ifa mancome tobuya Iewell that is worth 5 oo 1 ifhe ,bids but 4001. for it; hegoes without it, as well as ifhe hadbidno- thing at all, becaufe leecomes not to thefull priceofit : So he that will purchafe heaven, he muabid the fullprice of .it, elfe he goeswith- out it :-as good nevera whit as never the better (as we fay.) If manbe to lift a burthenwhich is as much as hee can doe with his whole flrength, if heputbut part offhis ftrength to it,he cannot air it, bee were as good never to touch it:fo it is here. It were better for you todoenothing,than not to doe enough ; for if ye lived iii! in wickedneffe, it might parhaps humble you ; but whenas men doe but a little:, but yet not enough, they feenot their mifery: better not todo at all, than to do things thus by halves. Sathan deales withmen, as men with children : they take away gold and filver from them, and flop their mouthes with rattlesand \ - f