Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The DocirineofSelfe-dental! z; 3 counters, fo Sathan, besaufe mens confciences muff have fomething to fatisfie them, fuffer s them to doe fomcthing,but yet not-fo much,as they thould.Pitty it is to fee fo many lofe their labours : they come very neare,withìn a Repor two to heaven, and yet miffe it : many thereare which do truch like the young man: yet fore thing is wanting that affomuff be had,els there is no Salvation. May is there fo littlechange in men, but becaufethey thinke that leffe will ferve the turne? This cold, overly andcufloma- ry perfortnancteof holyduties mantes all$t sere. fore confider but this Fiat, that it cloth you nogood at all : what good did theLaadiceans hike-warmnes doe them: they had as goodbin cold:yea, Codwifbeth,that theywereeither hotor cold:Rev. 3 15:What good did all that'.gmafiabdid tobim teeing that he did it not with a fincare 8z perfect heart? Thefe dowbaked fervices ( as I may fo ftile them, ) there carkafcswithout life ; thefe flight fervices profit not:therefore there are conditions added to them it the Word :prayerprevailes,ifit be fervent : lang,Ç. r 6.1 f àbonbeirevegwith all thine heart, AU. 8.EfPanelfaith, dill ant hope, and froitfilllave:i ThefJ:d.3.It is a good obfervation ofDivines, that God loves'adverbs,beeter than verbes;well doing,abovedoing: thofe that care teemweddinv,vet having weddinggarctents,,iwere' out, Math.2a.í r r 2. i well as thofe that came-not:thofe that ófEred ftrange fr'e,as`Nadab and Ahihu,and their company ,were confirmed, (Z as T3iefl; I .3.