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24 The. Dotirineo f leiertific4íiof: dy begunne, continue in thisworke. Thus much for mcanc,áv3w theufes., toco:rs; t® But yonwill fay unto mee, How (hall weeattaine mortification, this workeofMortification e and therefore herewill I laydown force meanes how aman maycome to this worke ofMortification. Mennen e) gt e The'firft meanes is to endevour toget awilling awi1Ci:: hcart heart tohaveyour finnes mortified ; that is, a holy diílike,andaholy loathingof them, with a defire of the contrarygrace: Ifinendid but feewhatanexcel- lent.efiate regeneration is, it would breed in thema holy defireofMortification; therefore our Saviour . faith,whenhis Difciplescame tohim,and complained oftheweakeneffe oftheir Faith, math. 17. ifyee have FaithasagraineofMead-reed, yeejhaIl fay unto this norantaine, Remove, and it /baldbee removed. Byletting forth the excellency ofFaith,he takes paines toworks in thema defireofit ; even fo, ifa man once can get a defire buttohave hisfine mortified, hee willpre fentlyhaveit for Chrifthath promifed it, Mat.5.9 Blejedare they thathunger and thirfi after righterra(nc for-they(hallbefatisfred ; that is, they which hungerin generall forany part ofrighteoufneffe, they (hall bee filled: therefore ifwecancome but to hunger, efpe. ciallyfor Mortification, which is the principali part of righteoufieffe; Ifay,ifwecan but come untoGod in truth with a willingheart, and defire it, we (hallbe fare tohave it :forbefides his promife, wee havehim invitingofus rw this worke ; Mat. r 1.28. comeunto me ally," that areweary andbeavie lades, andI eafeyea : Nowwhat will heecafe them of, the guilt e no : (though it beenot is elude) but pricipally of the