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234 2 3er,41.I o. TheDairineofSelfedeniall, as well as they that didnot offer at a11: Secondly, confider the natureofthe thing, what it is tobe religious. Is it an eafïe thing to turne nature? to worke a change ? Is it eafie to get groundofa raging luft ? It is as hard as to get groundofthe Sea. Confider thedifference betwixt the Law and us; That is primal, wee are earnall Rom. 7. Confider thediftemper of youraffeVlions and know your felves ; . all that we have in us iseither common or corrupt na- ture.Gods graces arebeyond theone, and con. trary to theother: muff we make there dutiesof religion to be one ly in the by? Prayer,keeping of the Sabboths,are to moilmen butas things in the by,the flreameoftheir affections runs in an other channell. These is another thing re. quired ofus than this;we mulllove theLordwith all our hearts, andflrength, Deut.6. y.This isit which all muff do;they mull love God withall their flrength, elfe they arenot worthyofhim. There isa qualification required ofall that are favedhe is notworthyofGrace orHeaven,that feekes them not withhis utmorr indevctur. The difference twixt.Cams& Asthels facrifice was this, Ge».4.3)4.` 5,Theone did it negligently ;brought the woraofhis fruits;theother brought the bei he had. Curled is every ore that doh theworke of theLordnegligently ; that is, contenting himfelfe with the outward performance of ir, doing it as a taske, and being glad when it is done and over : to doe it diligently, is to worke with an I eye to that which it tends to, and to obtaine the end.