he 17oFírine of Selicedeniall. z35 end. The end of prayer, is to quickenyou to I perfortneholy duties ; when you obtaine this end, then is your prayer diligent. To do things onely for thew is nothing, theeffea and cud is all:you efteerne not yourfervants works unleffe they obtaine their end : there is nothing that you eíteeme,the end of it beingnot done:What is it to pray,theend being not done,men not be- ingbuilt up by it ? lude 2o. We well buildupour (elves inour moil holy faith, praying in the holy Ghof. A cold formall performance dothbut hurt us breeds more coldneffe and deadnefle in us.In habits,the more imperfeì the a6 s are, the more theyweaken the habits: thedutiesof religion coldly perforuied,weaken grace.Let a manaccuftorne himfelfe to write carelefli and crookedly,it marreth his hani.Let us therefore do all wedo to God with diligence and ferven- cy : confider that thofewhomyou thinke leaft needed for to do it,did fa :their diligence fhould iir you up. Youknow that laco6 wreftledwith Godadnight;Gen.32.24. and fo (hould youwre- filewithhim with thongprayers : Cbrill himi- f f ife j ent many nights inprayer : lookeupon the t.uk.s.fz. prayers of David,the fafiings of Daniel; above all otherselooke uponPaid, you may fee him in watching, inprayers and in rafting, often;he had a continual(ftrife with his heart, tobring his body, that is,the deeds of his body ,into fubjedtion,l keepe der' my body (faith he) and bring it into frbjeaion, t Cor.9 t7. My body, that is, the finfull un lu(is of my. body mutt bee brought Q-2 downe zCor.fT.t7.