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The Doarine ofSell fe,deniall. 237 hee was reading ®fthe Scripture, and God feat i Phillip to himfor to teach htm, Art. 8. a 6. &c. SoCornelius, hee was praying, andGodfint his s9ngell to him ßrf, andafterward Peter, Atl. i o. So the Apoflles, when as they rowéd alirighs de ChriJihadethem ; heat la/I joyties himfelfe to them andáelpes them, Mattb.14. a 4. &C., The worft natures with his helpe candoe atething, the heft without himcandoe nothing. Fiftly, if the wayes of God are fo full of erodes anddifcultycs, then learne from hence to jullifie the wifedorneof the Word ofGod, and theReligion in the Scriptures. It is an ar- gument that it comes fromheaven ; becaufe it is not a whit agreable with our natures. It is a pure and no leaden Lesbian rule ; it is a flraite rule oppofite to us in all our oblicluityes : It is not from the policy of men, for if it were, what end fhould they have in it ? There is no content in it, a man muff denyhimfelfe, mor- tifie every member, and hee mutt have crofi'es too. Aaine, a man mull not thinke to have many following him , not to bee Captaine of Companies; here is nothing that will draw men after him. IfChrift had done as Gyro did, who proclaimed, that if any man would fol- low him, gheewere a husbandmanbee would make him a Getntlem:in; it a Gentleman, he would make him a Noble-man ; then men wouldhave flocked tohim. This iaflifies Re- ligion againft the dunghill gods of the hea- Q 3 then;