Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

23 8 772e, VoFirine ofSefe I then ; againft the Mahorneta,ne religion, that tels men, what wonnen,and what pleaftires and .. dniall. é rewards they fliall have ifthey follow it : this argument therefore is a markeof the holineffe and purity ofour religion.Miracles they do but excite us, theydo butas theBels that call us to the Sermon,they cannot worke faith within us; Rom.1 0.14.17: hat comes onely by hearing and reading this Word; there is nothing in this that doth fute withournature:thefe inherentmarkes are they by whichweknow it tobe theWord of God. Weepropoundonely the °Ned, we doe not propound fillogifmes wee teli you onely what it is. Naps in the beginning of Genefis propounds onlywhat Godbathdone, hc propounds no arguments to make men be- Iceve it : fo the Apoftles come with a pd ineffige; He that beleevethlhalbe faved,h4that mark 16, 16 befreveth notliballbe damned. In other fciences, and fo in allthings elfe,there inuft be principles elfe wee filould run into infinites. Ifone fhould aske you , how know you colour F You anfwer by the light : but how know you the light You anfweare by it felfe and thenyougoe no further, So if one aske you, how know youwhether fuch a weight bee true , you an- fweare, by the flandard: but how knowyou the flandard tobe true? Ouely by it felfe. But this isau argument that the Scripture comes from Heaven , becaufe there is nothing in it, that pleafeth men. Nibilbic &mini, there