Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2 4° 7hel)Eirine ófSelfeadeniall. ObjeES, "Kw. come, to an agreement; and without thisagree- ing,there will beno facility theway to make it eafe,is to Neale your natures, Religion is not difficult in its felfe; it is as light that is pleafant to good eyes, but yet to bad eyes no- thing is moreoffenfive it is likegoodmeats, that is pleafautto agood fiomacke, but yet to a bad,nothing is moreodious. Neale yourna- rures,and get perfea health, then thefe wayes of God will be eafe toyou. But youwill fay ; Who is there. that can come to perfedhealth I anfwere, that though you cannot attaine toperfed health, it is no matter, foasyou can come to fucha condition as to bee at ref' , the body may beat ref' andquier,though therebe diftempeis in foreparticular part ofit. Ifyou' would have joy in the holy Ghoft, ,peace of confcience which paffeth underflanding,labour to makean agreement : you cannot bend the Law, but you muff cleadfeyour hearts, . you mufkwinde themup to thepegofholines, and get Evangelical! holit effe uwhich is required andaccepted. Lally vvayes ofGod be fo fullordif- ficulty,then we had needlehumbleour felves: ifthe Law befo holyand,fo.ggod,andwe fo a- verfe from it, it mutt be rebellion, when as you fee your frlves fo backward todotgood, fo contrary to it. Let this open a crevis oflight, to feeyour corruption ;this is very needful;men corn-