Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Doíirine ofSelfesdeniall. complaine of theLaw, they fay that it is hard andwrittenin blood,as1raco his Lawes were: they are but flefh andblood,andWhatcan they I do ? Beloved,thiswe fhould not doe, but let us reflexon our felvcs, as Paul did, and faywith him; Retn.7.14:. TheLaw isgirituall,bnt weare carnall f ldunderfinne. Let us bee humbled more for thisbadnefie of our nature, than for our aetuall firmes : the worferyournatures are, the-greater andmore firifullare your fines: for the morenature there is; thegreater is-the fin the wörfer`yoür'natures are,the more hatred is thereto the Law : therefore ..abhorreyour na- t-ures,refleet uponyour felves,juftifie God,and give himglory ;andhis Law. Pfal: t g.8o° The Statutes ofthe Lord-are right, and thecoande- , menu of the Lordare . pure quarrel' not then. withthe Law, hate it not, as all unregenerate mendoe. And thus much for thefecond Do- Garin. We come now to the 'aft, which is, this. That alt who ¡coke fir any intereff its Chrifi.,, - all that -wiil teceivebenefit by him, ramflfollowhim. They mutt deny themfelves, take up Chrifls crofle; &follow-him:they mufttread his fleps Inobedient tohits, in all things,Re. S.24.Whom bedidforeknow,them alfehsdie'predeflinate,to'be conforMed=to:-the image ofhie Somme., ° that Zee might bee the ftrfI borneamongmany brethren: that is, all that God bath chofen, bee will have them to bee like their elder Brother Chrif1 24. Doä.