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242 TheDoctrine ofSefe-de?ü411. Chrift Iefus a we muff goeall inone livery, we mutt beconformable to him inall things, bee ready todoe likehim, as Gideon laid tohisfol. diers ; Ibdges 7.17. What yasJa notdoe,that loge. So Chr4t who is our Captaine and General], faith to us,All ye that will be faxed by me,muf bee like me, readyat a watch word to turne whichway I will have you. There are all the relations that may be, betweene Chri(t andus, which maycaufe us for to follow him :-Hee is our King,ourFather,andour. Maifter,therefore we mufffollow him. There are two fortsof men in theworld ; the firft are ftraglers, fuch as tlragglc abroad like fheepewithout a (heap- heard ; lawleflemen , that follow their luffs; thefe men are priviledged men, and maygoe whither they will: The fecond fort of men,are they that give thenfelves to ferve Chrifi, loo - king forSalvation from him; theremutt refolve to followChrifi. aye". But heremay be forne obje6ions railed a you will fay, that the Law is the ruleofamans life, how then isChriff therule '? 404 Iat miltere, that Chrift is the exampleofthe rule : as inGrammar and Logicke; after the rule, you have anexample put; and Chrifl by his example gives you more facility to per. forme it. Yea but this rule is too high for us, who is there thatcan reach it ? Take awayhope, you cake away iudevour. I