---TheDentine afSqe-deniall. ;43 I anfwere, that it istrue, that none can reach it; y,et wee mutt goeas nigh it as wee may ° thereforeconfider that it is for our advan- tage tohave fuchá rule: inother things, men la- bour forthe beft copies and fampiers: It is al). furd foraman to fay ,I cannot follow the ilraite rule:. Therefore will I, havea crooked one.1 cannot hit the marke, therefore I will have a falle one fetvp. Secondly, it is needfull to have the bell rule, hecaufe we muti alwayes ,grow, forwards to perfe&ion I4: We roulliirget that which 4. behinde , and looke to that whichis be- fire. Thirdly,we mutt havea perfea rule,to hum- 3 ble our felves by : takingChrift for our rule, comparing our felvesby him,we ice our owne filthineffe ; and with Peter fay tohim, Lick. 5.8. Departfilm.) us, weare finfull men. So lob feeing God, abkorres birnfelfe and repents in daft dal arms, lob 42.6. But you will fay; If Chrifl lived with us andwe lawhim ; if hewould ( as it were)leade us by the hand, it were fomething3, but bee is gone. I anfwere, that though bee be gone, yet bee Anfw. bath left guides to leads us inhis ilead: he hath left the holy Ghoft, and his Spirit with us ; who,Rbn i 6.13, jhail /cede us into alltruth, ne ,ceffaty for Salvation; he hath left us his Spirit to tell you that this is the falfe way , this the true;