Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

r- 244 The Do nine of Selfeodeni`all. true; and this Spirit bee fends into every rege- neratemans heart. ' GaI.4.6.. As f ane ¿syouare f canes, Winds ht's sonnet Spirit ivtoyourhearts,` Objec`i. whereby youcry,4bba.Father. But youwill fay, howMali weeknow when 1 the Spirit fpeakes ? /Mfr. I anfwere, ;by the Word; what the, Word objea. faith,theSpirit faith. But thefe arebut remoteguides. Anfw Therefore you have the Saints that wentall in one path : Firft, the Saints that are dead andgone, and then thofe that now live : You have the Spirit, the Word, and the Saints to teach you., onely remember this caution, that the Saints are a rule to you, yet not a pedal one ; they goe in and our ; eye them; but yet eye Chria beyond themm, who is the author andAnger ofourfaith,Heb.7 2, t, In all other things and artes, Non eft eiufdenn invenire& perjicere one man begins, and an other .finitheth but Chria, as bee is the author°, fo hee,rs the ¡inifher ofour faith'; bee bath begun the Doctrine., and the thing, and hee will'fin fli it. For the better underflan- ding of thepoint, .I will thewyou thefe two things. t Fith, the a6tion; what ft isto_%llow'Chrift. 2 Secondly, the obje&andpatterne that wee mull follow; and that is Chrifl. it For the.firft1 what it is to follow Chrifl : I anfwere , That to followChrifl, is to refolve to