Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoctrine ofSelfe-deniall. to do or fuffer with all our hearts, or willingly, what ever he commands, at all times, andall manner of waycs. There are foure things its this definition, which expreffe what it is to foi . lowChrift. Firft, wee mutt refblve to doe or fuffer any thing that, he commands, wernufi except no- things wee muft refolve to obey and doe all riglateoufnelfe,and toabftaine fromall unri h- teouíaes:weInuft refolve togel through thicke and thin,rough and fmoeth;wemutt do as the Romans ilid,Rsov.6.17. Obey thatforme ofps- ¿irine that is delivered torr+; not onepart onely, but everyparticular,from the very heart. The reafon for which wewere . deliveredby our Savi our!om the hands ofour enemies, wa,s,that wee mightferve him without fiare, in holineffe and righteoufnef,e befire himall the ,da,yes ofour lives, Luke ¡.75.L.etthepaffage be what it.wil,fafeor dangerous, pleafant or difficult, by,poverty or. aboundance;let Chrift lcadeus thoroughgood report &bad report, we muft follow him. I put inthedehnition,to do or fuffer; fuffering:isbut anhigher kindeofadion,to do,thoughyou fuf- fer for it: Sufferingof it felfe, (as the l'htl9fo- pher. well ebferveth)is not commendable; but tofuller in doing Gods will in Pimple obedi.: erace,is to obey without any difficulty. Secondly,ryou muft doe this with all your hearts,and willingly :this is expreffed in the Scripture in 3 . tearmes,Deat.6,5.tolove,firvc or,; 245 I What is it to followChrift, and how we muff follow bias.