Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

246 2 The DoErine ofSe esdeniall. orfollow God with allyour mìnde, vich all your /ogle, and with all your Ilrength.. I chofe this Word, with all your hearts,therather, becaufe it comprehends all the reft. Fira,to raveGod withall your mind, is to fearchhis will,toplant on it, and to know it : fume there arethat followcephas, others that follow Paul; additing themfelves to their opi- nions: thereare diverfe opinions of men; Some thinke this good,others that, without looking to Gods will: this is not to followChat with all our minds: When we fubmit our minds to his, and make his minds to be ours, thenwee follow him. Secondly, tofollowGod with all our hearts, is toaffeEt that which hedoth, and all that hee dothaffc6t; when as all that he äoth is come- ly to us ;when as we fee his Image inhis word, and in his Saints,and follow it : men follow the adtions in which they fee abeauty and comeli= aeife. Thirdly,to followGod with all our firength; (by which we mull note the executive powers and faculties) is to doall that wedo withall our might,and byGodsdire Lion, nothingagainfi his will or liking he that ferves God thus with all his heart, when any thing is fuggefted con- trary to Gods will, hecfaith ; Iknow myma, fiers wiIl,I depend onhim,I will follow his ad- vice, and nothing elfe: this is to follow him withall our hearts.