The DoRrineofSelfedenlall. I adde, to follow hire willingly : it is not e- nough to doe the anioncommanded, but we muff followhim,as the lheepedoth thebough, with readineffe and willingneffe Being right, it coines from the regenerate part, every rege- nerateman finder a difpofitionto Chrift, lon- ging after him, inclining tohim as the yron doth to the load lone, or the (loneto the Cen- ter : Many there are that followChrift, and hold not, out, becaufe the Principle is not good. But the Saints the-mfelves finde relu6ancy, the fpirit is willing,but the flefh is weake. I:anfwere, that oftentimes,thefiefh follower ótortocollo,like theBeare goingto the flake, yet the fpirit brings it into fubjeetion. I cannotbet - terexprefi'e it than by that ofPeter; Chrift tels him that whenhe .wae oldhe fhorddbecarriedwhi. tdaer be woadriot: fob) zt. i8. True it is, that he went to the flake willingly, elfe hisdeathwhere byhe glorified Godhad bin no Martyrdome true itwas, his flefhwas unwilling for todo it, yet his fpirit overcame it; remember this,that you muff doe it cheerefully, Thirdly, itmufl beat all times; many follow Chrifl, but at a brunt, and in an extremity they flyaway, as fouldiers from their colours, whenas the bartaile is nigh ; oras fervants leave their maiflers în harvefl , when as they neede them moil. Chrifl would have men know what he expeìs: as the proclamationwas made to