Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The DoRrine ofSelfe-deniall. and filfull mention, of him [hall he afhpned when fit in my giory. To profeffe what a man is in inchcompany, in filch a place, is not much; but youmull prof4eChrifl at all times, in all places In themidi' ofanadulterens Gene- ration. You mull thus followChrill, cite all is n,,thing.And thus much for the firftthingiwhat it is to followChrift. Weecome now to the objet and example which weemull follow, and that is Chria,Ancl here; firit, we mull followhis Example. Se- condly, wee mull follow his precepts. Firft, you mutt follow his example 3 doeas he did, fa himup as a patcerne of Imitation. It would be infinite to thew youall his graces: yet I will name forme particulars wherein you mull followhim, that fo we may not be all in thege- nerall. Firit, heabounded in love, which he fli-wed h his readincire both to give and forgive. Flee Chewed his love in giving, in that hee loved men fo, that heegave himtelfe for them. ( 20.35.) Wee faith, zt is morehleffedtegive :ban to receive. For his love in forgiving,heforgave thole that did him the greateft wrong, flee had compaflion on the f tiles of men, andon their bodies too; For their foutes he groaned tofee themgjSheepe without a Sbepheard:(Matb.9 .36.) So for their bodieshce fed many thoufands of themoftentimes, R Second Z49 1111..111.1111101111mmore