TheDo£iráne ofSelfe=deniall. ching upon all publike andprivateoccafons, ready to take all opportunities to doe good : hee takes occalion to comfort the woman of Samaria at theWeil; (lohn. q..) fo when as bee law them ftriving for theupper placeat the raa ble, bee takes occajion to di/courfe of humility : (Lak. 1 4.) He did confider the end , where- fore beecame. Thiswas theend ofall his corn- wing to doe good. It was his delight to doe Gods will : all hee did, it was Gods Worke, bee did it toglorifie him : and for thegoodof men, which wasan other endwherefore hedid its . Fifthly, beewasready to fuiferany thing,to be defpifed, to uodergoe any thing at his Fa- therspleafure : he fubjugated his delires to bis Fathers,andhee did reloyce in ir.(Mat. x r. a 5.) 1thanke theeOFather, LordofheavenandEarth, becaufè thou hall hid theft thinges from thewife andprudent, andhaft revealed them to Babes and Sucklings, evenfa Father; forle itfeernethggood in thy fight. It had beene more for Chrifli honour, to havehad wife and great men to fol low him, but hee rejoyceth in this ; that Cod hadhidhìm'om thole, and revealed him vnto Babes: for that was his Fathers will Sowe mu t tea contented with any thing, if it bee Gods Ñwill. Sixthly, Cleft likewife fulfilled ail x ighte- oufneffi ; ( Math.3.15.) he was full ofzeale for hisFathersglory; follow therefore his eam- R 2 pie 6