Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

252 The DoEtrine of Selfe:deniall. plc in all chefe. Andnot onely his example, but his precepts too. Firfl, belceve inhim ; this is thegreat Wor ke ofGod, tbs., is the werke bee ac- cepts, ()fob. 6.29 .) To heleeve on himwhom the Father bathlent. This is the firfl precept. The fecond precept is, Repent for the Vogdome God is at hand: (Math.3. 2.) The third is, to abound in loveunto oneanother : FollowChrifl then in thefe his precepts , and in hisexam- ples. If then, all that lode for any interefl in Chrift, mutt follow him; then in the firft place, learne from hence not to bee auricular but reall Difciples ; doe not make aprofellion, get not knowledge in thebraineonely but aCt it too. This is tkedifference 'twixt Chrifls and other mens Difciples 5 if a man follow diri- ¡lodeor any others it is enough toknowand holdhistenets : but he that will followChrin, mull follow and doe his precepts mufl irni. tate him. The difference betweeae Divinity andother Sciences, is this : inother Sciences if you underfland them it is enough ., but in this it is not enough to knowit, you mull doe it. This is like leffons ofMuficke, it is not e- nough to know. them , _but you muf1 praCtife them : it is like a Copyofwriting ; you mull not onely made it, but you mull a61 ir, and learne to write afterit. Wee mat notonely knowwhat temperance,patience, and love are, and the like ; but you mull aet and pra.. elife Met.