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TheDoEtrineofSelfe-deniall: 253 6tife them : wee mutt beleeve and undergoe the Croflê, if wee will belong to Chrift lohn 6.45. Every man that bath heard andhath learnedoftheFather,commeth to me. Godmakes us fit to fellowChrifl , hee declares the truth, and bowes thewill: he teacheth the Creatures, the Bee, and the Storke todo thus and thus ; he puts a fecret inflint into them, which makes them doe that they doe; and to hee Both with his Children : hee makes themof Wolves, to become Lambes; hee makes a thorowchange in them : ,It is doing that makes youChrifls Difciples; if it werebut toknow it was no- thing. Confider what yee pracîife, and how farce yee doe Gods will : we looke not onely for the.knowledge, the remembrance, and repeti- tionof what weepreach, (though it be good to repeat what wee heare, and it is ill CO omit ir;) but wee looke you fhould pradife what you heare;we would fee the Milke, and the Fleece, not the Hay againe: we would fee your defec`fs and weakenefresamended,and thofe dutiesper- formed that you negle61., Yeabutyou will fay, you doepra6life what Ot ec7. you heare ? But I fay unto °you, as Samuel didto Sarni, whenhe told him he had kept theCornmande- ments oftheLord; What tben,fayth he, meane th f Bieatings ofthe Sheepe in mine cares? (i. sans .15,4) If you are Chrifiians, if you pram L`tife what you heare, what meane thafeoarhes R 3 We