z 4 7yhe 17otirineofSelfedenialZ. a we Beare; what meanes this Drunkenneffe,this Idleneífè , this vanity and pride in apparel', this greedyPeeking of profit, this prophaning of the Sabbath which woe fee ? What meane all thefe if you keepe the commandements f Tbofe that follOwChrifi do acknowledgehim, they prac`iife w hat they heart, andnomore. Secondly, if all that looke for any intereft in ChrifI mull followhim, this excludes all thofe, whofay theyare/ewesandarenot,( Rev. 2.9.) Such as profeffe thenafelvesto beChriiIs and are not : theyweare his livery and badge, but yet are falfehearted. VVec follow Chrifi, you fay, but if youdoe, let meput you to forne Interrogatories. Fill, are you contented to bee divorced from all elle, and to make Chriji your felfe To deny your pleafures and your profits , like lames andlahn,.. Matthew4, l9ba /eft Fathers, Nets, and Ships ; and like theApoftles, who forfooke all and /allowed him ? Will you part with every thing, with every fume andvanity for cbrift ? The young Man ntuflfell all, ifbe will fellowChríff, and this bee rraa' loath to doe. Seccndly,areyou contented to beare all that heboare ; I meane not in the fame meafure, but areyou abletobe baptizedwithhis $aptifine, and to drinke ofhis Cup? Are you content to be defpifed and hated as he was? Youmutt doe it in your meafure, though not in that degree that Mat 19. Math.ta.gZ.