Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

D,e VoErine ofSell fesdeniall. that he did. 2. Tim, 3.13. Thou knoweß (faith Paul to Timothy) what yerfecations 1 evdured :. yea,andnot I onely,but all that willlivegodly in Chrifl Iefus,/hall fuf ferPerfecuti.m; It is this li- vinggodly that brings perfecutie n ; the beeing downeright and bawking nothing ; becaufe the Divell istheo our enemy, and will (irre upmen againftus ; he will nibbleat our heeler Ifwee live not godly, wee are not thenhis ene- mies, he will let usgoe. If therebe *arrebe- twixt two Nations , fuppofe Dutch and Spa- nifh,, either ofthemmedlingwithEnglifh, or Frenchthat arebut indifferent, they let them a- lone, becaufe theyare indifferent men and not their Enemies ; Sodoth the Divell,he lets men alonewho arebut indifferent ; but the Saints who are enemies, they are fore to fmart for it ifhemeet with them. Thirdly, ifyou follow chrifi, is the farne mindis you awas inChrifl,(Pbil.2. 5 .) Are you affeeted as bee was ? Amidmar amanafter Gods owneheart, A51.1 3.2 2.So every Chriftianmull be affeeced as Chrift was. Doeyou hate thofe things that he hateth ? Doe you not onely ab itaine from them, but alfo hate theme Are you zealous for Gods Glory ? Are your Soules vexed for the uncleane converfationof others ? Then it is a Ggne that you follow, Chrift. R 4, Fourth- 3,