256 T'he31oarine o fSelfe-deniall. Fourthly, what doe you doe? Doe your aetions fecond your delires ? Are you like David?4as 13,22.u/ 1e youmenafter Gods owne hearth whichwillfulfil! all his will; or arc youof your father the Diva, andfulfilhis lufis ? lobo 8.49. Chrift ufeth this argument, to groove that the lewes:wereoftheir father the Divell, becaufe his lineaments were in them, as the fathers are in the childs; youare mnrtberersand Lyarsas he was, lohn 8..49. Therefore you are his. So I wouldhave you confider what you doe; icewhether you are holy inyourconver fation : ífyou arenot, Chriftwill difcard fuck fervants, and all theworld (ball knowit, that you are none ofhis, ifyou are not ready todoe any thing for him. His life mull bee in all thofe that are his,his Image rluf}-thine in them, they mua havehis graces. Fiftly, how doe you doe , that. you doe e Doeyou it with a perfeâ heart or no ? a cbro. 25.2. Inagiabdidmuch,butyethedidit not with aperfec`l heart. Some followChrift in the faire, but fárfake him in the rugged wages, as the a. grownddid : Some follow him for themf ;lves out of a feu e-love : Some for a Kingdome, as Iehu. Somefollow hint, but yet ata pinch, they willflats afide like a broakenBowe, as the If raelitesdid, Ffal.78.57. Some follow him and afterwards fall away, as leroboa nand Reoboam;:. a c o.r t .12 .But nowhow !hall we diflin guitnchefe ? Doe thefe interruptions hinder us from