TheDoEtrine ofSelfe-deniall. fromChrifi ? What (hall we fay ? All fheepe arenot ofthe fame firength ; Some areLambes and cangoebut fofrly; and Chrifl is a mercifull Shepheard that callsaffnone;now how ihallwe difhnguifh.? TheSaints goe offand on, and fo do wickedmen, thedifference betweene them? This isneceflary tobe knowne, becaufe men are apt to deceive themfelves they fay there is.a ,fimilitude: betweene Saints verrues and finnes,and theirs; lookeon.theoutfide,and there is little difference. Davidand Peter,they finned foulely their finnes inoutward appea- rance were like toother mens : So for their ver- Differences tues;fupidityclothoft times ad the part oftruc betweenethe verrue. Take one that is ignorant, hedies ati- falles ofrh p Saints aM ently; becaufehe knowes nodanger, as well as other anus agodly man that isfure of Heaven: both may be abfternious and patient infhcw, but nowwe will diflinguifh them. Firft, though the Saints fall,yet there is never any way ofwickednefeftndinthem :there may be iscaI.139,2+. infirmities inthem, but there is never any con- fiant continuance in any finnes of omiffionor commiflion Aholy man may forgethirnfelfe, but yet ye cannot fay,that he is acovetous man, or a wickedman ;holy menfinne, but it is out ofan incogitance,do but put him in mind, they mend all; put another man inmind never foof- ten; tellhim ofhis.fwearing, anddrinking, yet he Both it againe. The.fittnes of holy men proceed from paf- fions, 257