f15 TheDoffrine ofSel fe,deniafl. 1)&143 94240 naiad. a fions, andpaflions laft notlongbut quickly va- nifh. Davidwas tranfported with Paßon, and Peter with (care; The Saints finne not out of deliberation, they recover quickely againe, there isno courfe of finne found in them if their finnes proceed from either of thefe two, incogirancyorpaffion, they are quickly at an end.I fpeakenot now offinnes that are not re. vealed, for in fuck they may continue all their lives, as the Patriachsdid in their poligamy : but as for other fins that arerevealed,the God - ly neverfiend in the waj of limners : They may perhapscrofe thewaiesoffin,as theevesdothe highway, yet they walke not in the wayes of fin, They fit notdome in the[ate of thefcorners. Secondly, theSaints, as well as others may befubjeâ to finfull lafls, that may prevaile andcarry them away but the matter is not fomuch, what affelions we have, but hewwe Rand affe&ed to thofe affeeiions. Aholy man may have a monthsmind to anold finne, bee may delight in it, and incline to it becaufe there is flel] in him : but yet bee diflikes that liking, and difaffeets that aifeetion, and difap g: proveth of this approving : and this beedoth I not from checkcs ofconfcience, but heedoth Igrieve for that love; and farrow for that de. light, as being contrary to the will ofGod. Thirdly, anevill man and one that is not Ifound hearted, a6ls himfelfe in finning, but a Godly man Both nor fo. To underhand this, you