Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoRrísaeofSelfe=deniall. 259 you mutt know, that after regeneration there is another felfe. Rem. 7. 17. It to rr more Ithat dash it, bat finne that dwelletb i»me. I am ano- therman now I am regenerate; iinne is but an inmate. In a wicked man, good is but an in- mate, hee may fay irisnot I, but thegood that is in me doth this. Wicked men they have no thorough change wrought in them, therefore theydoe good onely by fits ; a godly man be- ingeveryway himf lfe , not being tranfpor ted with Pailion, let him ftand on equall tearmes with finite, letnot fin get the hilland thewind; let him remember himfelfe; being freed fromviolent paílions,hee (innsnot: Re generate menfnne,yet the Peace is not broken btweeneGodand them, becaufe their minds never yeeld to finite . As itisbetwixt Princes that are at Peace, though Pirates of eyther nationrob the others fubje6s,. yet it breakes not the peace; it being done . without the will oftheKing: So it is with finne in Gods Children, it breakes not the peace betwixt God and them , becaufe it is but a rebel!, and they agree not to it. There is a differencebe. tweene the entertaining of _linnes as theeves' and robbers, and as guefts; Wicked men en. tertaine finne asa glett; thegodly man him. felfe never fumes, and he entertaipes finne buts a robber.. Fourthly, thofe that follow Chrift but in fhew,andonelyweare his Livery, they often fall