Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

z64 TheDoEtrirae ofSelfe-denial1. fall off; theycandoe nothing : many uncleatn perfons and Drundards often retinue to leave their courfes but becaufe their hearts are not changed, it is but a purpofe, they fall backe a gaine. Becaufe purpofes arifing from the flefhare mutable, they are as the flowers of, grafíe, they quickly perifh : fo are all the. thoughts of civil men; they are flowers indeed,' and the heft flowers that the flefh can affuord ; yet they quickly perifh, becaufe they are from the flefh,becaufethey are farre from grace, and come not froman inward change : but the pur- poles of Gods children, theycome from a changewithin, whichmakes themable toper- forme them. If you finde your felves uncon- fiantthat you cannot command your felves, you arenot right. Cbrift finds this fault inyou, audio doth lames, lam. z. 8. Tau are d©uble mindedmenandunflable in allyour wayes 3 that is you partly looke onGod,partlyon fnne;and knownot which way togoeyou are inaa'irgni- librio, nothingpreponderates you one way or other; you are in thewayes ofGod, and in the wayes offin,and this makes you unf'lable. Op- pofiteto this, is a Jingle minded man, who lookes onely to God ; other thingsbeing put in,yct he flill lookes to God : fuch maybe fub- jeé to cbbings and flowings in and out; yet this is thedifference, though they are`fhaken, yet they are like to Trees that have a good ruote, that holds them up that they doenot fall: