Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheMarine ofSelfe-deniall. z6I fall : they are like a flip that is tyed to an An- chor, they wagge upanddown; but yet they remoove not : othermen, and wicked men are bloroas away like chafe, they continuenot, they aredrivenwith the winde like waves, becaufe they have no roote. Thirdly, if every one that will haveany in. terefl,inChrifl muff follow him, then learne fromhencenotto {land at a flay, fet no limits to your holineffe r Looke toChrif, he if ourpat- terse; Wb.i 2.2 t. grow tip tofull holinefï'e, be í1 ill mending s and mending according to the Copp! : there is no man that doth follow Chrifl rightly,but doth this, Let men fet limits to themfelves, to_ have as much as will bring them to Heaven, there is onely a felfe-cove and afele-feeking in them : but if you doe it for God,vouwilendeavour the utrnofl,W.hen men find fault withholirtes andeica Thes, and fecret- ly limit themfelves, and fay with him, Deum coldut parell ;. wee will doe that which (hall be fitting, and nomore,, it is a fgne they.. doe not follow Chrift, .that it cotneth not from God : if it carne from God and love to him , you P couldnot but endeavour perfeóìion. I would but. askethis qua ftior, ofyou ; doe you make Godyour:utm0 t en or no,," IFyoudoe,then appetitaa finis Flt ánfiitue, you would- never flint your (elves : if youdo not make himyour utmoft end, thenyou will nit your. felves. If aman defites money for fuck anend, whenhe bath