Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

26a 4.1.,INCregoya. TheD oc`irineofSelfe=deniak bath the end the delire ceafeth fo if a mande, firePhyficke for health , hee defìires onely fo much as (h111 gainehis health : but if a man makemoney his utmoft end, bee Petsno limits to it. Thus it is withevery holy man that de- fires grace, and makes it his utmoft end I ' bee fershimfelfenolimits: you muf not fetyour felves anybounds in grace. When you finde this difpofition inyou, that you are not ready to compfainefor want ofGrace, buttoiuflifie your felves; when as youdo not feeyour lame- neffe, and that corruption which is in you, you havenot the Spirit9for thatcomincetb men offnne,andofrighteon/neffe, Oldof judgement : John i6.8. 'Youwould be thencomplaining of your felves : if you had the Spirit : if you fol- lowChrifl, you mull eieanfe yourRyes f omall filehinc/eoffe/h acad/)irit)perfeaing bolïrr e fe in thefiareofcod,z cor.7, I. Let that mindet beMyna that ttas inchrif,Pnil a, 5. follow him to thevery turnoff. Fourthly, ifall that locke for any intretl in Chrifl mufffollowhim, then learne fr6 hence not to go before him we mull followChrifl, go not then before him in any thing : in your o- pinions yeeid tohis will,let nodelreruneout, but know firft whether it bee Chrifis will or no you muff refigne your felves to him in every thing, inall conditionsyou mull follow him, doe not thereforechufeyour conditions heefaith toone, fir here ; roánoth:r, fir there; in