The Dot7rine ofSelfe,deniall. . in high or low places; he is the great Sympo- tiarch, beeplacethyou werehee pleafeth and youmull mil contented : So for your workes and calling , he givesyou your worke todoe; C.hrift is the Mailer, and good reafon is there at hee thould appoint the worke.: So for fuf- fering, ifhewho is the Generall commands it, yee snuff doe it. So for Phyficke andcorreeti. ons.we would ratherhave other than that hee appoints us ; yet we mutt refigne all tohim weare fubje 1 to.preconceptions. ¿amescorn' plaines of this, ( boo. 4. I3.) Got to NOV yet that fay, to morrowwee will toe to limb a Citty .4nd continue there a yeare, and buy and fell andget gain; where'd you ought to fy, if. the Lord will : you goe before and doe not depend on Chritl by religning your (elves to his providence. Remember .then that you are but Creatures ,: and mutt follow Chrift in every thing as fervants:, to him A fervant dothnot fay, I will got to and fuch a place to morrow, becaufe bee faith, that heeknoweth not his Mailers will:fo a child that is under Tutors, cannot goe whi- ther heewill : faynot then to morrowwee will doe thus and thus,boaft not ofit, preconceive not offuch aneflate, ifyoudoe, it is finfull ; for then you are yourowneguides, and follow your ovine wayes andnotchrif, ,aftly, learne from hence to doe what you from an inwardprinciple : wemull not be drawne.!_,