Thefl®rb ecflortiffcation ' payees; for ifit be aheart-fine, that is, a finitethatis deere untothee, abeloved bofome finne, (as all rret are marvellous fubjeato love fome finne above ano- ther) theremuffbee, fortheMortification of this, a greater labour taken thenfor a leí%corruption : thefe arecalled inScripture,the right eye,and the right band; andas men are very loth to partwith thefe members of thebody, evenfo are theyloth to part with their belovedfinites whichare deereunto them. The feconderror, is ofthofe that thinke ifthey have Once mortified theirfinnes,it isfufficient,they need not carefor anymore,they havenowdonewiththis work. Butthefe men are deceived, for theymuff know, that the workeofMortification is a continual) worke, be- caufe theheart is notfo mortified ,but there is /till fin- full corruption in it ; fo that ifthere benotacontinu- all workeofMortification, it will prove filthy. The heart ofman is like theballafí of a fhip that leakes, Simile; though thou pumpneverfofaft,yet 1E11there is work: even fo, the heart isafountaineof all manner ofun- cleanneffe, there is muchwickedneffe in ir, therefore weehad needpray for a fountaine offpirituall light ; that is, offantification, that we maynot be drowned in oûrcorruption : Or, itis likeabrazen Candlefficke, w`hich'althoughit be mademarvellouscleane, yet itus*" v prefently foyle,and gather filth fo itis with the heart of man, ifthisworke of Mortification doe not continue,it willfoyleandgrowfilthy. Now in this worke of Mornfication, the Papifts Tite fruit/ere feeme to takegreat pninesfor themortifying offinne; p anie i the and indeed they might feeme tousto be theonlymen point. thattake paynes for this grace, if wee did not meet E a with