on the Sacrament.` .. fee is but touched by the way) which is this great priviledge that belongs toall Chriûians, that whatfoever they aske inprayer according to the will ofGod,they (hall be heard in it: But becaíyfe I under ftandyou had a Sacrament ap- point for this day, I have altered a little that courfe theher: =ing ofthat bath fomewhat di- verted me,cau0d me at this time topitch up- on the oth -k_ point which I named toyou; That except aona ,.. 4e inChriii, he ought not toapply any priviledge ta i mfelfe; ifheebe, lfay, allbelongs to him. Whenyou come to receivethe Sacrament it isa verygreat priviledge to meddlewith thofe holy myfteries, tohave thofe fimbolesgiven to youofthe loveand favour ofGodin Chrift,but yetyou mutt remember this that except you be in Chrift,youhavenothingtodoe withhi m,and therforeit is a fir & neceffary point for this fea- fon. For when the Apoftíewouldgive dire ons to thecorintb,what they fhould do, to pre . pare themfelves to the Sacrament,that they may beworthy receivers;hegives it in this fhort pre- cept: Let everyman(laith he)examinebirfil fè,& filet him cate this breadand driwke thiscup. Now what isa man to examinehimfelfe of? Surely e- very one that comes to the Lords Table, is to examine himfelfe concerning thefe two things. z Whether he be in Chrift, and fowhether the hathany right at all to come neere tohim in that holy ordinance. S2 t Cot°,Iiï.21á 2 Though ;